APL, an International Wellness Company, has made a significant mark in the wellness and beauty sector with its groundbreaking products. The company’s distribution model is built on the foundation of satisfied customers who share their positive experiences, leading to a robust global rewards plan. This article delves into the intricacies of APL’s compensation plan, highlighting its systems, training, business opportunities, and the compensation structure.
The APL Business Model:
APL’s business model is a testament to its commitment to innovation and customer satisfaction. The company offers competitively priced, exclusive products, coupled with a global rewards plan. This combination proves lucrative for those who refer customers or build a team. Whether you’re looking to earn part-time by referring a few friends or aiming to build a full-time international business from home, APL provides the platform and tools to achieve your goals.
Understanding the Systems:
APL’s price setting system is tailored to local currencies, with the Euro (EUR) being the base currency for most countries. However, in the United States, the USD takes precedence. For internal calculations, APL uses a conventional unit (c. u.), ensuring consistency across transactions.
Training and Support:
APL Associates are not left to navigate the waters alone. They have access to comprehensive training, special offers, promotions, trips, and events. This support system ensures that every associate is equipped with the knowledge and resources to succeed.
Diverse Business Opportunities:
APL offers a tiered association system:
- Retail Customer: They order APL products as needed and can avail a 10% discount when ordering from the referring APL Associate.
- Prime Customer: These are loyal customers who use autoship to buy products at wholesale prices.
- Premium Customer: They schedule a monthly autoship product order, ensuring they always have their favorite products on hand. In return, they get access to wholesale pricing and exclusive promotions.
- APL Associate: The heart of the business model. Associates share products with others, earning a share of the revenue from each sale.
The Compensation Plan Unveiled:
APL’s compensation plan is a blend of various bonuses, catering to different types of purchases and activities. Some of the notable bonuses include:
- Customer Bonus
- Reorder Bonus
- Start Bonus
- Group Bonus
- Unilevel Bonus
- Lifestyle Bonus
- Infinity Bonus
- Luxury Bonuses
The company also employs a system of legs and levels for bonus calculations. This system allows associates to have up to 9 legs, with provisions to open additional legs based on specific conditions.
Here is the mindmap diagram illustrating the various bonuses and opportunities offered by APLGO:
1. Customer Bonus:
The customer bonus is a reward for APL Associates when a retail or Premium customer places an order through their website. The bonus is calculated based on the order amount. For instance, if a customer places an order of €100 (R1500), the Associate can earn a bonus of €30 (30% of the order value). The remaining amount, according to the marketing plan, can reach up to 74% of the total order value.
2. Reorder Bonus:
This bonus is based on the personal purchases of ALL TIME and FRESH products in conventional units (c. u.). The percentage for this bonus is determined by the personal purchases made towards activity within 12 months. For example, if an Associate accumulates 1,000 PV from their purchases, they can achieve a GOLD level, which offers a 15% reorder bonus.
3. Start Bonus:
The start bonus is calculated based on the GO-status upgrade of personally enrolled Associates. The percentage is determined by the total product purchases, irrespective of the Associate’s GO-status. The bonus percentage varies depending on the GO-status achieved, ranging from 10% for a PROMOTER status to 20% for a DIAMOND status.
4. Group Bonus
The Group Bonus in APLGO’s compensation plan is based on a two-leg system, where each leg accumulates points from sales made by the distributor and their team. The bonus is calculated based on the leg with fewer points, incentivizing distributors to balance sales between both legs. The multiplier for the bonus is determined by the distributor’s status or rank in the company, such as promoter, associate, or diamond, with higher statuses yielding larger multipliers. Continuous effort is emphasized to maximize this bonus, and it’s crucial for distributors to improve their status to increase their earnings from the Group Bonus.
Detailed Explanation of the Group Bonus:
a. Two Buckets (Legs): In the APLGO compensation plan, think of having two buckets or “legs” – the left and the right. Each of these buckets gets filled with points when you or your team members make sales.
b. Lesser Leg Earnings: The Group Bonus is a reward you earn based on the bucket with fewer points. This means if one bucket (or leg) has 100 points and the other has 50 points, your bonus will be calculated based on the 50 points from the lesser bucket.
c. Status Matters: Your “status” or rank in the company (like being a promoter, associate, or diamond) determines how much bonus you get. For instance, being a diamond means you earn three times more points than being just a promoter or associate.
d. Continuous Effort: It’s emphasized that one should continuously strive to balance the points in both legs to maximize the group bonus. This involves enrolling new members and increasing sales on the leg with fewer points.
e. Importance of Status: The group bonus is closely tied to your status in the company. Higher statuses yield higher bonuses. It’s crucial to improve your status and not just withdraw the money earned from the group bonus
Detailed Diagram:
Let’s create a detailed diagram to illustrate the Group Bonus concept.
Here is the graph diagram illustrating the detailed concept of the Group Bonus:
5. Matching Group Bonus
The Matching Group Bonus is calculated from the group bonus (GB) of your personally enrolled (PE) Associates based on the qualification achieved in the previous month. The number of levels from which the group matching bonus is calculated depends on your qualification:
Qualification Level | % Bonus from 1st Level | % Bonus from 2nd Level | % Bonus from 3rd Level | … |
Manager | 20% | … | ||
Senior Manager | 20% | 10% | … | |
Director | 20% | 10% | 5% | … |
… | … | … | … | … |
Note: If your GO-status is DIAMOND, the group matching bonus will count from a minimum of 5 levels on a regular basis, regardless of actual qualifications. If the real qualification is higher than the Managing director, the depth of levels is increased.
Rank Advancement Levels
As you progress to higher levels in the company, you unlock additional opportunities to increase your income. Your rank determines various benefits such as the depth of the matching group bonus, the ability to receive entertainment bonuses, infinity bonuses, and luxury bonuses. To achieve a particular rank, two conditions must be met:
- Achieving a certain monthly sales volume in small legs or structure up to level 6. For luxury ranks, the total sales volume is considered.
- Having qualified associates of specific ranks within levels 1-3 of your structure.
Here’s a breakdown of the ranks and their requirements:
Rank | PV in Small Legs | PV of Structure Activity | Qualified Associates (levels 1-3) | Personal Minimum Activity in PV |
Manager | 250 | 1,500 | – | 40 |
Senior Manager | 500 | 3,000 | – | 40 |
Director | 1,250 | 7,500 | – | 60 |
Senior Director | 2,500 | 15,000 | – | 80 |
Managing Director | 5,000 | 30,000 | 2 Directors | 100 |
Corporate Director | 12,500 | 75,000 | 4 Managing Directors | 140 |
… | … | … | … | … |
6. Unilevel bonus
Unilevel Bonus is calculated from each purchase made towards activity in PV in 6 levels of your organization. The percentage of the bonus depends on the level of the Associate from your structure who made an activity. Here’s a breakdown:
Levels | % Bonus for PROMOTER – VIP | % Bonus for DIAMOND |
1 | 5% | 10% |
2 | 6% | 10% |
3 | 7% | 10% |
4 | 8% | 10% |
5 | 9% | 10% |
6 | 10% | 10% |
Note: There’s a Dynamic Compression that APL uses (level compression). If an Associate from your organization does not place any orders from the beginning of the previous month up to the moment when bonuses are calculated, the system starts “Dynamic Compression” which places Associates of the lower level to the level of the above-mentioned Associate.
7. Lifestyle Bonus:
Associates who consistently meet bonus requirements for 12 consecutive months can avail of the lifestyle bonus. This bonus offers an additional 5% from the total monthly group bonus earned over the last 12 months. The maximum amount one can receive from this bonus is 300 c. u.

8. Infinity Bonus:
The infinity bonus is a quarterly bonus for Associates who maintain their qualifications during the quarter. The percentage of qualification is determined by the lowest qualification achieved during the quarter. For instance, an Associate with an “International director” qualification can earn an infinity bonus percentage of 1.5%.
9. Luxury Bonuses:
While the document provides a mention of luxury bonuses, detailed specifics about this bonus type were not provided in the extracted content.
APL’s compensation plan is a blend of various bonuses, each designed to reward Associates for their efforts, loyalty, and achievements. From rewarding customer referrals to incentivizing personal purchases and achievements, APL’s bonuses offer a comprehensive reward system for its Associates.
I do not regret joining APLGO as the company brought hope for the bright future for myself and my family. I am proud of being a member to APLGO